We ALWAYS have the Power to Choose

“Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward and say to yourself…Nothing is impossible!”
– Norman Vincent Peale

This quote reminds me that nothing is so difficult that I can’t find it within myself to choose to be at peace; to choose to make the most of every single day; to choose to influence others for good and to help them believe that change and impossible dreams are achievable. Last night we celebrated our year with the annual Christmas dinner to honour our volunteers and many supporters. I was reminded how far Destiny has come in our 13 years of operation. Passion, endurance and perseverance are requirements if you ever want to achieve a dream. But love for others and helping them begin to dream as well is the gift we can offer many who have never dared to believe. I’m thankful every day that I have the opportunity to help women learn to throw back their shoulders, learn to let their hearts sing, their eyes flash, and their minds and spirits be lifted up, to look upward and begin to believe for the impossible!

Janine Epere

CEO Destiny Haven

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