The Ultimate Before + After

How Destiny Haven Changes Lives

Who doesn’t love a good ‘before and after’ transformation? Fitness and weight loss, home renovations, gardening and landscaping, academic improvement… the list goes on.

At Destiny Haven, we have the privilege of watching the ultimate transformation unfold right before our eyes: life transformation.

Here are a few examples of what life was like for women before they came to Destiny Haven—in their own words:

“My life seemed hopeless. I was an ice addict who had managed to lose just everything good in my life. I pushed away anyone who loved or cared for me and I was on a path of total destruction. I knew that if I didn’t change my life I was going to end up either in jail or dead.”

“My life was feeling pretty hopeless. I was experiencing severe depression, anxiety, and what I later discovered was complex PTSD from childhood trauma. I was stuck in a vicious cycle of disordered eating, self-harm, and ending up in hospital from overdoses. I was so unhappy and I didn’t know how to make any of it better. I felt like my only way out was to end it all.”

“A wreck, chaotic, messy, miserable. I was in bondage to many different people, places and things. I spent years wanting to die and I partook in many different risk taking and self-sabotaging behaviours as a result. I didn’t know how to regulate my emotions, I lacked life skills and my relationships with my family and friends were broken.”

Summed up in a word: hopelessness.

When we asked these same women what life is like now, on the other side of completing the program at Destiny Haven—this is what they said:

“I am being free. I’ve learned how to be an adult, how to budget, how to look after myself, and paying rent! All these things felt terrifying before, but once I started doing it and “adulting”, my life became a lot more independent, and I enjoy every minute of it.”

“I now know who I am. I have always struggled with finding a place and fitting in, but I have realised that I wasn’t created to just fit in. God made me unique. I don’t have to be anybody but me.”

“I now know that I am loved, valued and cared about. I know that I have a place in this world, I have a voice and a choice, and I know that I matter.”

Every Diamond we talk to tells us the same two things:

Firstly, Destiny Haven is like a family. The staff at Destiny truly care, and that makes a massive difference when it comes to recovery.

Secondly, the program goes beyond the symptoms (life-controlling issues) to actually treat the underlying causes. Brokenness can’t be fixed with a band-aid. Our holistic recovery approach considers the whole woman and her individualised needs.

Head here to find out more about our program and how it works.

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