Every day we have multiple opportunities to show kindness to those around us. I’ve just returned from the ISAAC addictions conference in Kathmandu attended by people from many nations. It is always humbling to visit places where people have so little and yet they are so grateful for what they DO have. They smile often and they share freely. All those at the conference have dedicated their lives to helping others find freedom from addiction, as they themselves have been set free. I was reminded as I stepped off the plane in Australia of the incredible privilege we have to live in a country rich in resources and government help; where medical assistance is available to ALL without discrimination and yet, so many complain about inconsequential things. Kindness is not difficult and yet we live in a society so self-absorbed and “me” focused that we have often lost the ability to REALLY see people and take the time to encourage and invest in them when they need time and help. Imagine how different our world would be if we all treated others as we would like to be treated. Let’s choose to do all we can to make those around us feel special by the way we behave and speak to them. As Maya Angelou states, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. Every encounter with others leaves an aroma. May we seek to carry sweetness in a world where there is so much bitterness.
Janine Epere
CEO Destiny Haven